Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Spot GP and Salt... literally, that's the premise of this post...

I am pleased to announce that I have achieved success in getting Spot GP resin to float on saltwater; I have no idea how much it took, my first attempts with a "reasonable" amount of salt made my heart sink:
This is what I get for being reasonable.
However, a further heap of salt produced this:
Spot on, Spot GP :)
In related news, I've recently come across the Noble 3D Printer project, which gives a build area of 270mm X 200mm X 400mm (x,y,z), or way above Reprap Specifications; using a 1080p projector gives a minimum resolution of 0.185mm in the Y axis, half of the Reprap's 0.35mm minimum recommended nozzle size.  Kinda makes me want to up sticks, but then I saw the requirement for a welding kit - I aim to make my printer constructable without any welding, I didn't mention that before.  I plan to use plywood sections as the framework and outer shell.

At any rate, it proves the idea of using a saline solution to float the resin - and save hundreds - is entirely workable, I need to buy my own supply of salt (my parents like chips as much as I do) and a measuring jug to conduct a proper experiment to attain an actual ratio, so that'll be the next topic.

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